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Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Address book

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs relies on three main operators for its international activities for foreign students:

The EduFrance agency

The main objectives of the EduFrance agency are to promote France’s advanced training offering abroad, and to offer foreign students a service providing information, guidance and enrolment assistance so they can pursue their graduate studies in France.

The agency brings together 180 members (universities, grandes écoles, and institutes), which pool their experience and knowledge for the benefit of foreign students.

EduFrance publishes a directory of France’s training offering, created in partnership with the members, featuring more than 1,000 training courses (graduate studies, multilingual studies, European courses, foreign language preparation, tutoring, and professional training, etc.).

- Read the dossier about the EduFrance agency


Scholarships and grants are administered primarily by two organizations:

- The CNOUS (Centre National des Œuvres Universitaires et Scolaires / Ministry of Education organization responsible for student support on practical day-to-day matters)Placed under the supervision of the Ministry of National Education, Higher Education and Research, the Centre National des Œuvres Universitaires et Scolaires (CNOUS) runs the CROUS network. Its objective is to give all students the same chances to access and succeed in higher education by assisting them in their day-to-day matters.

The CNOUS aims to make students’ lives easier in many areas: food, accommodation, scholarships and grants, social and cultural actions, opening up to the world, etc.

Address Sous-Direction des Affaires Internationales
6, rue Jean Calvin B.P. 49
75222 PARIS CEDEX 05
Tél. (01) 44 18 53 00
Fax : (01) 55 43 58 00

Courriel : sdai@cnous.fr
Internet : http://www.cnous.fr

- EGIDE (Centre français pour l’accueil et les échanges internationaux / French centre for welcoming foreign students and international exchange)Each year, the Egide association organizes the welcome and stay of more than 30,000 students, professionals, scientists and guests invited from all over the world, who have come to train, get informed, or stay in France, as well as sending 10,000 French experts and researchers abroad. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs’ leading operator involved in administering scholarships and grants from the French government, Egide is closely associated with governmental directions in this area of international cooperation.

28, rue de la Grange aux Belles
75010 PARIS
Tél. (01) 40 40 58 58
Fax : (01) 42 00 70 08
Courriel : contact@egide.asso.fr
Internet : http://www.egide.asso.fr


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