Visa process for Indian students
Following individuals require a student visa Students going to France to study on: Full time course
Erasmus -Mundus course,
Student exchange programme
French language course ( summer courses etc)
Short term internship programme,
will need to apply for student visa.
Getting the Student Visa is a three-step process
First Step – to create an online CampusFrance registration file on
You may need the help of a CampusFrance counselor to do so please contact the CampusFrance office closest to you You may schedule an appointment through the online file or by calling or mailing the CampusFrance counselors
Second Step- to obtain a No Objection Certificate (NOC) through the visa interview by the designated official:
In Delhi: the Attache for Scientific & University Cooperation In Ahmedabad, Bangalore, Calcutta, Chandigarh, Chennai, Hyderabad, Mumbai, Pune: the Director of the respective Alliance Française or Language attaches in some cities. Documents required to obtain the NOC are listed further below.
Third Step - After the interview, submission of passport at the main embassy for stamping : Students who obtain the NOC at Delhi, Calcutta and Chandigarh are required to submit their passports at the French Embassy at New Delhi
Students who obtain the NOC at Ahmedabad, Bangalore, Hyderabad, Pune, Mumbai proceed to the French Consulate in Mumbai.
Students who obtain the NOC from Chennai proceed to the French Consulate in Pondicherry.
Documents required for NOC Interview.
Following documents are required in 2 sets of photocopy and originals for verification.
1. A letter of registration / admission from a French Academic Institution.
2. Proof of resources for tuition fees and 500 Euros/month for living expenses for the period of stay (1 year) for housing, food, medical expenses, transport etc.,) OR A sponsorship letter for accommodation from the city where you are going for your studies and supporting documents showing availability of a minimum of 250 Euros per month for living expenses.
3. Proof of accommodation in France for the period of stay.
4. Short Bio-data.
5. 4 passport size photographs with light background.
6. Copies of your degrees / diplomas and certificates (+2/BA/BSc/BE/MA/MSc)
7. Copy (first 2 pages) of valid passport for the entire period of stay in France.
8. Air ticket or Reservation print out of Air ticket.
9. For short and long duration stay in France the student should take a comprehensive "overseas medical policy and repatriation policy" for 3 months and a copy to be attached.
10. A demand draft of Rs 4000 in favour of “CEDUST” payable at New Delhi .This is the CampusFrance registration fee to be submitted on the day of the Visa interview or on a prior date.
After the NOC interview, the student will be given a presentation letter and with the same he/she would need to submit the passport at the Embassy on a predefined date. The Passport will be returned duly stamped in 2 working days or a week at the latest. The French Embassy student visa fee is 50 euros (in equivalent Indian Rupees , to be paid in cash at the time of depositing the passport). © CampusFrance 2005
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